Dyuminart on Etsy Pop Art Sydney Australia by Yelena Dyumin

Art work by Yelena Dyumin
This work by Yelena comes in various sizes, this one $65.
The best part of Etsy is that it's worldwide. You get to see artists from all over the WORLD.  I just found another great Etsy artist, Yelena Dyumin. She's from Sydney, Australia. Her Etsy shop is dyuminart where she offers great Canvas Art Prints. Most are high quality digital reproductions from her originals. You can get the regular (large), or jumbo (poster size).  They look and feel as close to the original as possible, in fact it would take Picasso himself to prove otherwise as the canvas is stretched and her work reproduced digitally.  She also does original pen and ink drawings.
Pop Art Drawing from Etsy
Pen and Ink Drawing, great for kids room, $28.50 at Dyuminart.
What I like about her work is she is cutting edge.  Her style is abstract and pop artsty, though some may consider her a modern, or contemporary artist.   Yelena says, " You’ll find different art styles, suitable and lovable by everyone. These popular art, art pictures are perfect as a home, office and wall decor,.......(perfect for) the living room, bar, restaurant, bedroom, game room, kids room, nursery and more!"

artist painting weiner dogs.
Hello, has she been in my house to paint my dogs? This is too cute, called "First Meeting" for $65

I honestly think she should be illustrating children's books as her work is so vivacious and adorable at the same time.  I wondered just how did Yelena end up on Etsy? She says, "I’m a professional artist and art educator who has spent decades perfecting my craft and unique style with its whimsical humor, textural sensitivity and vibrant sense of color. I enjoy making art in a fun and colorful way and sharing the essence of this with others. "
yelena dyumin, artist
"Sounds of Music" is poster size and in her Etsy shop.

Stop by to say hello, or Connect with Yelena in these places:
Etsy:  Dyuminart

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