Jenny Mathews Drawings and Illustrations

Jenny Mathews, Artist
Jenny Mathews Mermaid Drawing.

Today's Artist Corner features illustrator Jenny Mathews. I give a lot of credit to people who can draw, and draw well. I personally can't draw anything at all though I've tried and been taught, just can't do it. You have to have a very creative mind and certain level of depth perception to really do it well.

Jenny Mathews
Jenny Mathews Drawing of a Rotary Phone.
he can draw anything from fantasy, to reality, to children's style. She has a certain charm to her work, and in case you didn't know you can find her work is featured on the Zombie Logic Blog. 

Jenny Mathews

Look at this cute illustrations she did for a children's book called "The Toughskin Rhinoceros Wrangler Company."   The book is available for order on that site right now.

Jenny Mathews Illustrator
Jenny Mathews illustrated this, see more here.
Jenny works with Thomas Vaultonburg over at Zombie Logic and does all the illustration and artwork for their books, Poem Photos, and webcomics.  
Prime Rib Roast
Jenny Mathew's Prime Rib Roast!

Yummy, I know a few barbecue gurus who would love to have that Prime Rib Roast framed on their wall right now.  Hats off to you Jenny, great job!
See more of her work at: The Zombie Logic Press Blog

Read more about Zombie Logic:
Zombie Logic Press

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