Pinterest Groupon for Cars AutoReduc

Yeah, I'm addicted to pinterest just like the next girl. My husband thought I was crazy then he tried it, and he won't admit it but a bit of the pin bug in him.

The thing is instead of just pinning pretty things you like, you can use it as a virtual to-do list or sites a bookmark site for your favorite sites. In this case, I am pinning cars I want to buy later in life.  Or at least, dream about buying later in life.  So that is how my husband got the bug. He thought they were cool and had to pin some too!

Pinning is fun, but then it  led me to realizing that not only are there my dream and wish cars but very affordable cars using this same company-  AutoReduc on Pinterest. You don't have to understand French to know this is a "groupon" for cars.  Discounts and cool cars galore.  So you can pin your dream cars and your cars you want to get one day that are more, let's say, in the budget.

So when you feel like dreaming a big dream or having fun playing with cars. Maybe you are just shopping for a new car, see their website at AutoReduc, or on Twitter  @tweetautoreduc or find them on Facebook  Autoreduc! 

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