Fire King and Milk Glass by Anchor Hocking
I so love Fire King milk glass. I think it started when I was a little girl, going to Maine with my mother. We stayed in the Hayman's camp on East Grand Lake, and Mr. John Hayman (Mr. Johnny) used to make his morning coffee about 4:30 am. The rest of the house was up soon thereafter. I remember it wasn't the smell that woke me but instead him mumbling, "Ahhhh, good coffee."
I stumbled into the kitchen to see what he was up to rubbing my eyes and at 8 years old I enjoyed some coffee with Mr. Johnny and donuts every morning before the rest of the house woke. The kitchen in the camp was gorgeous, from a vintage perspective and also a "Mainer" sense. The natural wood planks were oak and stained to shot their knot holes, which so flowed with the theme of pine trees all around. The kitchen cabinets filled with vintage aluminum tumblers, old plastic cereal bowls (the free ones that were once butter tubs) and Fire King mugs of ever size and color. It was these mugs that made the coffee taste so good and feel so warm when you cupped the glass. We drank our java and stared out at the "lovely looking lake" every morning.
Looking for Fire King ... look no further!
Years later I came about a set of Golden Wheat china dishes that once came from Duz detergent, and used them in my new (OLD) house for display in my china cabinet. Soon I soon learned that the Fire King wheat was a great matching accompaniment. So I had china to display and eat on and Fire King wheat to bake with.
Over time I lost interest in the wheat dishes...but the Fire King memories have never left my mind. Whenever I see a piece of it today at a thrift store or a flea market, (not so much anymore) or even on Etsy, I stop to stare at it for a moment. For those mugs remind me of that time in my life when the coffee was brewing and the donuts were good, but the company was even better. It's moments like those, being with my mother in Maine and the Hayman's, that I wish I could freeze in time forever. ♥
I stumbled into the kitchen to see what he was up to rubbing my eyes and at 8 years old I enjoyed some coffee with Mr. Johnny and donuts every morning before the rest of the house woke. The kitchen in the camp was gorgeous, from a vintage perspective and also a "Mainer" sense. The natural wood planks were oak and stained to shot their knot holes, which so flowed with the theme of pine trees all around. The kitchen cabinets filled with vintage aluminum tumblers, old plastic cereal bowls (the free ones that were once butter tubs) and Fire King mugs of ever size and color. It was these mugs that made the coffee taste so good and feel so warm when you cupped the glass. We drank our java and stared out at the "lovely looking lake" every morning.
'Fire King Fever' by EndlessC
Looking for Fire King ... look no further!
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Years later I came about a set of Golden Wheat china dishes that once came from Duz detergent, and used them in my new (OLD) house for display in my china cabinet. Soon I soon learned that the Fire King wheat was a great matching accompaniment. So I had china to display and eat on and Fire King wheat to bake with.
Over time I lost interest in the wheat dishes...but the Fire King memories have never left my mind. Whenever I see a piece of it today at a thrift store or a flea market, (not so much anymore) or even on Etsy, I stop to stare at it for a moment. For those mugs remind me of that time in my life when the coffee was brewing and the donuts were good, but the company was even better. It's moments like those, being with my mother in Maine and the Hayman's, that I wish I could freeze in time forever. ♥