Growing Like Crazy

I've been so busy lately with my Etsy Recyclers Guild Team , we're growing like crazy.  We are finally where we want to be--active and growing.   I've been a little stressed lately trying to help my husband with his work and trying to do my own.   So I found some time to make this cute little mixed media assemblage.  For me, it's the art on the fly that comes out the best.   When I tend to plan it out, I'm too controlled in my artwork. 

The team is growing like bamboo with two months of rain.  I'm taking on so many new members, and trying to promote the group on sites like Associated Content and Mother Nature Network.  We've been "sponsored" by Kismet Worldwide who has launched a wonderful iphone application called WasteNot.  Now we're going to have a special guest famous artist Harriete Estel Berman who is going to be an honorary guest and do some Q&A for our group.  I think my question is going to be, "How do I cram 36 hours of work into a 24 hour day, every day?"

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