Girl Loves Trash - Who Threw This Out?

Yes, it's true.  I love trash.  If I could break out in song and sing this song I would:  I love trash...everything dirty or dingy or dusty...anything rotten or ragged...or rusty................................(Oscar the Grouch, circa 1970s Sesame Street).  After I posted my thoughts on reducing trash, I was coming home from errands when (enter Hallelujah music) I saw this sitting on the side of the road.   What is it?  Who the heck knows?
I can tell you it's a very large cabinet, probably an old pie cabinet, that was dropping (most likely leaded) paint all over the place.  So here I am, by myself hauling this thing up into my truck.   Covered with paint chips.  First off, I unloaded it outside and decided to take a hard bristle brush, then a soft broom, then some sandpaper and get most of the flakin' paint off. Then I hauled it inside and cleaned it somewhat, and used some of my art supply vintage blocks to block it up. 

The legs should tell me something about the age. Or maybe the giant keyhole that still works?  Was it the Ginger-bready trim that sucked me in?  I don't know.  I had to think of something quick, so hubby wouldn't complain about a new piece of trash being in the house.

Old legs, and original key hole, key is rather large yet skeleton and still works.  The metal rings look out of place, almost giving it a newer look.  I wonder if they were original or not?

                Gingerbread trim is lovely, but the raised top makes me think this is older than I think.

So I was on a mission to make this "trash blend" into the house before hubby got home.  (If practical purpose, hubby is okay with it.)  I decided to slap it up against the wall outside the bathroom--for a small "linen closet".  I then covered the top shelf with contact paper so I could safely put our towels on it.  I ran out of contact paper so I stuck some vintage sheet music in the bottom shelf.

Slapped up against the wall, it proves as a functional linen closet.  Quickly I put in some contact paper.

The sheet music lined the bottom cabinet

If you look closely, the inside door still has someone's artistic creation of blue crayon on it.  I wonder what junior artist was this?
Voila.  Hubby loves it and so do I. 

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