Etsy Tips Summertime is Vintage Etsy Seller Time

Wrightsville Beach North Carolina
Summertime is the best time for vintage sellers to actual go out and find the goods to sell. Between the flea markets and the thrift stores, we are out scurrying around gathering goodies like a squirrel preparing for winter. It's almost like people are cleaning out, moving, and dumping their memories in the summertime.  Thrift stores are jammed packed and lawns are crammed with tag sales, garage sales and estate sales galore. These people are parting with something they've kept in their home all those years. For a few dollars it can be yours.

Maybe I'm a hopeless romantic, but I often think about how summer is full of memories in general. The songs you hear on the radio may take you back to an earlier time in your life. A smell, a flower, a sound. Yeah, summer is always full of great memories because you are out and about and in general you get to do more in the summer since days are longer. Now if you life in California this may not apply to you because essentially you may indeed have summer 24/7 and for that I am envious.  

The problem for me is summertime is when I let my Etsy shop cave in. This time for me is chaos, I have so much  going on in life. For one,  I want to be outside (unless you count that heat wave where we lost power for 6 days can you say "fridge science project?"), traveling, vacationing, or on the run. In my case my "real job" revolves around my husband's business and he is summertime jammed packed where there is so much work I am doing 18 hour days everyday.  So  the bottom line is for me as a vintage seller, it's hard to balance all this fun, chaos and summer selling on Etsy.

So what are some things you can do to fluff up your store while you are neglecting it? 

  •  Commit yourself to at least ten minutes in your shop a day. Steal that time when you are having your morning coffee, or late night unwinding.  What do you do during those times? 
  1. A quick relist of a few items still in stock. 
  2. Clean up , photograph, and add that new item you just acquired at the tag sale. 
  3. Change your slogan in your shop or add some new photos. 
  4. Add a new banner. 
  5. Share one of your existing items to Facebook, Pinterest, or share on Twitter. 
  6. Re-evaluate your photos. Can you improve one?
Doing something is better than nothing.     If you can't make the time, then you are better off putting your shop on HOLD for summer.  I haven't done that yet, I just sort of let it all slowly melt away............
Good luck and have a safe and fun summer.

Words from: Loving Light Astrology

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